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Two Sum Leetcode

The prompt

Given an array of integers nums and an integer target, return indices of the two numbers such that they add up to target. You may assume that each input would have exactly one solution, and you may not use the same element twice. You can return the answer in any order.




2 <= nums.length <= 104 & -109 <= nums[i] <= 109 & -109 <= target <= 109
Only one valid answer exists.

Solution #1: (Naive)
def naive_two_sum(nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
    for num in range(len(nums)):
        for n in range(len(nums[num + 1:])):
            if nums[num] + nums[n + num + 1] == target:
                return [num, n + num + 1]`}
How does it work?
Since this is a naive solution, we can use nested loops.
The first loop simple iterates over the array as usual, we will call this loop the
parent loop. Now the second one, or
child loop
is a little bit more tricky. The second loop will loop through the remainder of the the array after the first loop goes over the nth element.
For example:
Let's assume we have nums = [1,2,3,4] and the target is 6.
The first loop will start at index 0, in this case accessing "1".
Now the second loop, loops through an array that start after the index of the parent loop. Because the parent loop current index is 0 the second loop start at index 1. In simpler terms we will always slice the array, starting at the current index of the parent loop and adding 1.
So it would look something like this:
Same Array
Do note that we are using the exact same array.
If the parent loop current index is 2 then the child loop starts at index 3, you get the idea.
Last Example, let's say we have an arryay of 6 elements, and the parent loop is in the 4th iteration or at index 3.
Our child loop will continue looking at the remainder of the same array, but starting at index 4 as shown below.
Now that we understand the logic behind the nested loop we can start comparing the values until we find the two numbers that match the target.
To do this we need to simply access the value from the parent loop and the child loop and compare them with a simple if statement.
As you can see in line 4 of the Naive Solution, we compare the element at the parent loop current index vs the element of the child loop at the current parent index + the current child index + 1.
This might be a bit confusing let's break it down based on the last example.
Becuase the parent loop is current at index 3, we access the element with the value of 5. In Python you can do so by nums[num] where nums is the array and num is the index.
Now to access the element of the child loop we need to do some math. In Python it would look like nums[num + n + 1] where nums is the array, num is the index of the parent loop (3 in this case), n is the index of the child loop (0 in this case) and lastly we add 1. So if we add all of it together, we should get nums[4] .
nums[num + n + 1] or nums[4] is 6`}
Time ComplexitySpace Complexity

Solution #2: (HashMap)
def hash_two_sum(nums: List[int], target: int) -> List[int]:
    hash_map = {}
    for i, num in enumerate(nums):
        remainder = target - num
        if hash_map.get(remainder) != None:
            return hash_map.get(remainder), i
        hash_map[num] = i
How does it work?
Enter hash map!
Out of the box thinking at it's best. If this solution never crossed your mind before, don't worry you are not alone.
Alright enough chit chat...
We will complete this one with only one for loop.
  1. First we need to create a variable to hold our dict... Sorry I meant our hash map...
  2. After we have our hashmap ready we start our loop. Our loop must have index, because we will be using the values in the array as keys and the index as our values for our hash map. If you are solving this with python, have a look at the enumerate() function. It's pretty nice.
  3. The trick is perform by subtracting the current element from the target.
  4. Then adding the element to the hashmap.
  5. And finally trying to check if the remainder of our subtracting is a key in our hashmap.
I know it's a bit confusing, but we'll go over it now.
In Line 2 of the code snippet above we simple create a new python dictionary (hashmap). In
Line 4  we start our loop with enumerate to get both the index and the value. (In that order). Line 5  is where we create our remainder variable to hold the reminder of the target - num, num being the value. Line 6 is where we try to get the remainder from the hashmap. In python we use get to avoid KeyValue Errors. If we are able to get the key, that means we have two numbers that add up to the target. Soooo... Line 7  returns the index of both numbers. Line 8 , if the num was not in the hashmap, we simple add it at the end of the iteration.
Time ComplexitySpace Complexity
And that's it! Hopefully that wasn't too bad!
See you on the next problem!
For more problems like this one be sure to checkout NeetCode.